Prioritize your schedule or schedule your priorities.
One manages. One leads.
One uses a clock. The other, a compass.
Life changing…
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Disney Creativity and Innovation Keynote Speaker
One million+ people globally while at Disney Institute.
Prioritize your schedule or schedule your priorities.
One manages. One leads.
One uses a clock. The other, a compass.
Life changing…
Next Blog
Put your things in the best order possible…
Dear Son, you’ll make many decisions that won’t fall nicely into Mind, Body, Spirit or Money. These are the day-to-day administrative decisions everyone has to make. Or not.
Think of it as the paperwork of life. As having a corporate office. Corporate meaning, you are the CEO of YOU.
If you choose not to be decently organized, your life will be fairly miserable. Become decently organized and your life will be far less miserable.
Catch the story from the beginning at Next Blog