Not gonna lie

Parents and son sitting in front of Nursing home


(photo: Left to right ages: 91, 88, 55… all three seem incredibly busy just trying to manage the day to day living)

Not gonna lie.

People say this with varying degrees of frequency.

You know, a figure of speech.

It usually is a prologue to some wonderful or some horrible situation that person is currently experiencing.

For example:

Not gonna lie, this has been a very busy Summer and the past few weeks, while amazing, have created a sense of overwhelm.

It’s the number one job to figure it out.

Your’s too.

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Humbled by the home aging process

Dorney Park


(photo: Dorney Park is a stone’s throw from the halls of the Nursing Home.)

Humbled by the home aging process.

All the stuff we collect, store, insure, and think is valuable…

What happens to us when we get older?


Walk the halls of a nursing home.


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You’re really busy right?

White Lab barking at Raccoon


(Photo: life is not a dress rehearsal)

You’re really busy right?

Even if we have free time, we tend to fill it with things we feel like we can no longer do without.

Always decently pressed for time. No?

One small backpack. No laptop. Three days. Two nights. Cab to and from Senior Living facility.

Blogging on plane with no wifi.

Be organized enough to be conscious enough to stretch out of our comfort zone.

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Getting organized is similar to losing weight

Teddy Bear and Glacier National Park Beargrass


(photo: only a few of our possessions have significant value – nearly all of which we could live without)

Much like trying to lose weight, getting decently organized is a multi-year process that requires us to change many things.

Some changes are relatively small, like curbing souvenir purchases.

Some changes are painful, like purging things we saved but haven’t touched in 10, 20, or even 30 years.

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