This means nothing to literally all but a dozen people in the world

Disney Way Keynote Speaker
Someday the one on the right will read Mid Life Celebration. He’ll decide when.


This means nothing to literally all but a dozen people in the world:

The Internet’s Only Five-A-Day Blogger.

It started simply as a desperate attempt to develop a writing habit strong enough to start, finish, and publish a book he’d promised to write 30 years prior.

It began without an ounce of fanfare April 1, 2009. Write five daily, differently-themed blogs – one blog for each of life’s five big choices.

Do this for 100 consecutive days. That ought to be catalytic enough to get a book on Amazon and Kindle.

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Ever wonder why some people work so hard?

Mickey Mouse shaped crop circles from Delta flight


(photo: what are the odds this was an accident or coincidence?)

Ever wonder why some people work so hard?

Shhh, it’s a balance between reaping what you sow and being careful what you wish for.

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Amazing quotes or insights from a Biblical or historical giant?

Disney's Epcot Imagination pavilion creative door
From a person with 30+ years at a special place, including the past 15+ at his favorite


The 50 simple, common-sense, yes-or-no questions in Mid Life Celebration are not from some amazing quotes or insights from a Biblical or historical giant.

They are from a simple guy with a simple message:

Life is not a dress rehearsal. Live before you die.

The hope would be that every reader would have 50 ‘yeses’.

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What would we like to do, but never begin because it’s too far out there?

Lucille Ball quote
It takes courage to be crazy, silly, boundary-pushing, legendary funny


How many of you know that in 25 days, the five-year anniversary of The Five-A-Day Blogger will arrive?

What do we think is impossible?

What would we like to do, but never begin because it’s too far out there?

How about this one…

Try to imagine writing two hours (minimum) everyday – producing five daily, differently-themed posts – for 1,825 days.

Remarkable, even for the person who did it.

And humbling.

And in the end, the book he promised to write way back in 1979 became a reality in 2013.

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Photo from book of quotes for sale at Hawaiian Island roadside general store.

The most expensive thing is now free

ATT ad offering iPhone 4s for free
Only three years ago this was the most expensive phone in the world


The rapid pace of positive change has our attention spans reeling.

Lack of focus and discipline is the leading cause of imbalance.

We know this.

But do we attack it?


Distractions are the enemy.

We know this too.

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