One bedroom furnished apartment 18 miles from Disney World, $345/month

Sun Club apartments, Kissimmee, Florida 1984
Our first Florida “Home” a 1-bedroom furnished apartment for $345/month


Sun Club apartments, Kissimmee, Florida 1984
Sun Club apartments, Kissimmee, Florida 1984


Our first Florida “Home” was a one-bedroom furnished apartment 18 miles from Disney World, $345/month. Unfurnished it would have cost us $305/month. But we didn’t own any furniture. None.

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The one question that angers people more than just about any other?

Finland Summer ild flowers
The answer is as simple and complex as a wild flower


The one question that angers people more than just about any other?

When someone sincerely, and expectantly, asks us, “What is the meaning of life?”, we react as if someone has walked into our home and caught us naked.

Instead, what if we were sitting on our front porch, anxiously and excitedly awaiting their arrival, with a clean house and a delicious meal already prepared?

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The most under rated work life balance component

work life balance model (flawed)
Photo: facebook update post captured on iPhone


The most under rated work life balance component is home organization.

And the most often duplicated component is emotion.

Emotion is the same as spirit. It’s what we feel.

Mind is what we think. Body how we move. Spirit is what we feel. Work is how we earn. Home is where we nest.

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