We Were So Poor…

House For Sale, Needs TLC
House For Sale, Needs TLC

Most people have a tough climb, to earn what they have and where they are in life.

Some mountains are financial, some health, some career, some education. And some people climb them all. Some don’t climb any.

It’s just the way things work.

We were so poor is a June 26 post that posed the question, “How poor were you?”

We were so poor when we moved to Florida 27 years ago:

  • We only had one car
  • Daily, I bicycled 36 miles roundtrip to work
  • Granted an extra low mortgage rate for our $47,000 home

Carter RIP Valentine’s Day

RIP Carter
RIP Carter

Do you have special loved ones that have moved on?

People or Pets that were an integral part of your life?

Hopefully, we all do.

When you think of them, is it with sadness or joy, or both?

Our beloved Canine Son, Carter, has been gone four exactly five months.

He was the Happiest Dog in the world.

PS. Scroll down for today’s 2nd post, “Get Over It”.

Get Over It

Roadblocks & Detours, But No Stopping...
Roadblocks & Detours, But No Stopping...

Isn’t that what we need to tell ourselves?

Just get over it!

But we can’t, or don’t want to. Or we’ve tried and failed repeatedly.

Instead, here’s an alternative to our old ways.

Move on. Don’t let mediocrity, or fear, stop us from following our dreams.

I mean, why would we?

Unless we are so tied to what other people will think of us.

If our dreams revolve around being of service to others, why would anything stop us?

Slow us down now and then maybe, but stop us? Rubbish.

But here’s the catch, no one will be more excited about our crazy dream than us.


I Need Your Approval?

There Are Two Sides To Every Clock
There Are Two Sides To Every Clock

While it would be nice to have everyone’s approval, acceptance and encouragement, it ain’t gonna happen.

When was the last time a United States President won every single vote, every single State?

When was the last time any elected official earned 100% approval.

Um, never.

Same here. I’m now nearly fully dressed with the necessary emotional battle armor required to follow audacious dreams, the same (but different) dreams you used to have, or maybe still do.

I hear my clock ticking louder and faster than ever. There is no turning back. There is no more worrying about approval or acceptance.

If there was, I’d be like the 97%.