We did Guest focus groups in the 1990’s and discovered it was the little things that made Guests love us, and, it was also little things that made Guests “hate” us. Same with Zoom: some love Zoom, some hate Zoom.
Yesterday’s 90-minute virtual presentation required three consecutive days (4 hours total) prep with the Company’s chief IT officer.
Our Son left the house to take an online college test using his phone as a remote hotspot (ATT signal is weak at our home) for his laptop. Intentionally eliminating in-home bandwidth competition.
One minute in and my connection crashes. Quite the struggle that ended with a voice-only presentation – BUT – the IT officer had the detailed show notes and links. The videos, polls, pre-assigned Zoom breakout rooms, and Zoom audience debriefs were the saving grace to keep the visuals and state changes robust even with a voice-only speech. Plus, the predetermined personal stories shared were far more emotional than any slide presentation – there were zero slides, intentionally.
Work setbacks: recession, bull vs bear market, illness, tragedy, disruptions, competition, bankruptcy, poor leadership, wrong fit, poor judgement.
Setups: drive, determination, mentor, goals, training, education, risk, adversity, failure, luck, serendipity, karma, risk.
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This website is about our HOME. This is the fifth of five daily, differently-themed blog posts about: (1) mind, (2) body, (3) spirit, (4) work, (5) home. To return to Mid Life Celebration, the site about MIND, click here.