Keeping it simple without feeling incompetent is hard

Orlando Professional Keynote Speakers


(photo: The Apple logo is on every piece of every Apple product. And the bite is always in the upper right.)

Every company has many logos, including ones that are invisible or seen as non-entities by executives. For example, employee habits.

Otherwise, how would unintentional, detrimental habits be allowed to be part of the customer experience all day, everyday?

Seriously, how?

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The last person they want impressing them

Disney Leadership Speakers


(photo: Small middle school class after Holiday concert performance.)

Teens are impressionable.

And the last person they want impressing them is their parents.


Fear of embarrassment.

Parents, be organized enough to slay your teen’sĀ fears.

Those of you without teens there’s a message in here for you. It’s yours to discover.

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Afraid of getting started?

Orlando Professional Speakers


(photo: WorldPress powers over 20% of the world’s websites. Why? Because of the power it puts in the user’s hands.)

Note Update from Lisa Melegari, co-organizer for WordPress Orlando Meetup and Word Camp:

We had a 95% attendance rate at WordCamp Orlando 2014 this past weekend – an Orlando best! Thanks to the over 420 attendees, 40 speakers and 30 sponsors, as well as our many wonderful volunteers and organizers who helped make our biggest event of the year a huge success! We’re already looking forward to starting the plans for 2015!

If you’re afraid of getting started, there’s only one universal cure to overcome your fear.

Live like you mean it.

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Today and tomorrow are incredibly busy

Middle School playground


(photo: Lunchtime yesterday was a small bag of trail mix, doing nothing – just observing the students play at lunch.)

The Christmas ‘photo-card’ arrived. Addressed to Cheryl. A nice photo of the couple who sent it.

On the beautiful photo is a printed holiday message including the specific words, Merry Christmas.

Nice touch.

Would it have been more appropriate (to who’s standard) to use, Happy Holidays?

However if your life revolves around the birth, life, and death of Jesus, Happy Holidays falls flat.

Without any effort, a revelation.

How many years have we sent really nice cards?

Beautiful cards.

Sent to everyone we could think of.

Yet because there were so many, it was all we could do to get them addressed, let alone write something personal.

For all those years this was us. So sorry.

Merry Christmas.

(sorry for not being more personal… there’s a lot to do today) (and even more to do tomorrow)

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