Now that i’m clear, i feel a lightness that is literally indescribable.
So cool.
Thriving to the next level.
Life is hard.
i get it.
i’m an alcolholic.
Probably addicted to sugar too.
And i used to smoke cigarettes, but only when i drank. And for 28 years, i only drank twice a week, on weekends and weekdays.
Dysfunction is nothing to be ashamed of.
It’s widespread.
But carrying some (self-imposed) unnecessary burden that it’s my job to fix it was unreasonable.
Ever hopeful.
Optimistic to a fault?
Then the creative year-long effort to reveal the obvious.
Change can only come from self-motivation.
Let’s just admit where we stand and then be willing to accept it and let go of things we can’t control.
PS. Facebook does not a solution make. Too public. Too impersonal. Like the dictatorial boss who thinks she can send memos to change her company’s culture…
PSS: Context – this post may seem hypocritical, like the boss writing the memo. Not everything is as it appears – private efforts remain private. i am at peace with the personal face-to-face and voice-to-voice efforts i have made in the past. Moving forward, these are always welcome. And i have retired from initiating them. Not initiating them in 2018 was the equivalent of the USA imposing economic sanctions on a country that takes USA’s generosity for granted, meaning a mental health professional agreed it would be a legitimate approach.
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