Hello. Glad you found this site. I can’t wait to make it a place where you can visit to get encouragement to “Do Something Great“, before you die.
We ain’t gonna live forever.
Wake up, World!
The privilege to be alive. To have breathe in our nostrils. To have life. To have the opportunity to serve. To help others. WOW!
Mother Theresa said, “If you can’t do great things, do small things with great love“.
We can. We will. If we all work together!
We’re all going through some sort of Hell, so please don’t think I’m oblivious to this fact. I’m not.
I’ve been here 50 years. I’m acutely aware of life’s challenges.
That’s why, if we can find a source of strength, which may be this little cyber-community, we can encourage each other to “Do Something Great“!
The clock is ticking. Our intentions ain’t gonna get it done. Our actions will.
Make it a GREAT day, because if you don’t, who will? Carpe diem, jeff noel