If Disney Ran Your Life official podcast release is coming in June 2019.
When today’s posts go live, this will be old news; however, the excitement in the moment right now (May 9) is exceptional.
Jody will be in Orlando soon and we will record a couple “official” episodes at Walt Disney World.
Try to imagine the mindset of someone willing to do (and pay for) 22 practice episodes.
Imagine also, if possible, someone who brings their podcast host from Seattle to Kuwait to record the first “Official” episode of If Disney Ran Your Life.
Dream, Create, Inspire.
Means nothing without action.
Son, you will be gifted with countless opportunities to grow. Many of them will be obvious right fits. Many will not.
Learn to thoughtfully consider the not-a-natural-fit opportunities. They may lead you to a beach or sumpin’ and it could be beautiful.
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