One million+ people globally while at Disney Institute.
The wonder of a single ordinary day
Yesterday, Friday, at 7am, irrigation control panel. Have a sprinkler zone that only shuts off when i turn off the entire water supply to the house. We have to manage this for 72 hours until Monday morning.
Hunger drives their daily routine. Walking to the gym is what drove this chance meeting yesterday.
Life is hard. The Armadillo (upper left) got too close to the road. Now the Vultures have the same challenge – or else they miss a meal.
Will this new process stick? Will it transform?
We smiled and then thought, “No one cares.” Then we smiled some more. PS. By no one, i mean no Floridians.
High School volunteer opportunity last night and this afternoon.
The Just Crack An Egg product is gone. The day before, we took eight from dozens on the shelf. In this photo, even the space where they are stocked is gone.
All of the photos above were taken yesterday as the day passed by hour after hour.
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By jeff noel
Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.