A rough draft on paper is the first blueprint.
Here’s an email i sent last night to a college buddy.
Do you think it’s too much detail, not enough, or just about right?
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Tried to be as brief as possible. Everything here is simply a guide map. We can ebb and flow as needed.
FAQ page for Granite Park Chalet: https://www.graniteparkchalet.com/faq.html
08.30 Rising Sun Motor Inn
08.30 Rising Sun Motor Inn
DL2180 MSP-Glacier, arr 1:26PM
Car at airport
Grocery store on way
Couple hr drive to Rising Sun Motor Inn
Arrive Rising Sun approx 5pm
Dinner there
Drive to Logan Pass (elev 6700′) (20-30mins)
Hike Hidden Lake Trail 3 miles RT, 500’ elevation gain (easy hike)…wildlife viewing
Return to hotel
08.31Rising Sun Motor Inn
6:15AM+- Drive to Many Glacier Lodge (45-60mins)
Tour Lodge & Breakfast (buffet option) there
9am catch shuttle to trail head, approx 40-min trip
Hike Grinnell Glacier Trail 7.6 miles RT, 1800’ elevation gain
Return to Many Glacier Lodge via 3:45PM or 5:15PM shuttle (40-min ride)
Drive back to Rising Sun & dinner
Evening open
09.01 Granite Park Chalet
6:30am check out of Hotel, breakfast
7am Drive to Logan Pass, park (overnight)
Hike Highline Trail 7.6 miles (excluding Grinnell Glacier Overlook) Relatively even trail, 1.5k’ gain
Lunch on trail
Optional (totally worth it) Grinnell Glacier Overlook spur trail (1.8-mile rt, 1k’ elevation gain)
Arr Granite Park Chalet
Dinner there (order meals here: https://www.graniteparkchalet.com/foodorder.html – use jeff noel res# xxxx) Or, we do PBJ, etc
Relax at Chalet
09.02 Rising Sun Motor Inn
Optional after midnight star gazing
Sunrise viewing from Chalet
Breakfast tbd (order online, or PBJ)
Buy water from Chalet for hike down (cash only)
Enjoy the morning, check out is 10am
Option: from Chalet, hike up to Swiftcurrent Pass (1.4 miles rt) before checkout (only carry water & bear spray).
From Chalet, hike 4 miles down (2.2k’ elevation loss) to “The Loop” (approx 2-3 hrs)
Catch Park shuttle back up to Logan Pass (30-min ride)
Drive to Lake McDonald Lodge to inspect Lake House for 2018
Lunch at Lake McDonald Lodge
Drive back to Rising Sun, check in, dinner there or at St Mary Lodge (easy 6-mile drive east)
Evening open
09.03 Apgar Village Inn
Breakfast open
Morning open
Check out of Rising Sun
Drive to east side to Apgar Village
Option at Logan Pass to do Hidden Lake Trail again (in my opinion worth it with the morning light) (and gift shop)
Stop at Lake McDonald Lodge (gift shop, lunch) optional
Check in Apgar Village Inn
Dinner at Eddie’s a block away
Inspect Lodge cabins for 2018 trip
Gift shop
Evening free
09.04 Fly home
6:08am flight to SLC
Days will be 70-80
Nights in 40’s
Probably in high 30’s overnight at Chalet
No cell signal in Park
We won’t walk anywhere without Bear Spray
i have 2 cans of Bear Spray for each of us to carry
Limited wifi at Rising Sun lobby & restaurant
Decent chance we’ll have cell signal at Granite Park Chalet
Toilet at Chalet but no shower or sink
We do have access to kitchen and hot water (wash face, brush teeth)
Wifi at Apgar Village Inn (also spotty cell signal) on last night
Each gift shop has different stuff
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