It may take a decade to cleanup the mess from a lifetime of wishing

This is literally the biggest book I've ever seen
This is literally the biggest book I’ve ever seen
This is literally the biggest book I've ever seen
This is literally the biggest book I’ve ever seen

It may take a decade to cleanup the mess from a lifetime of wishing. The wishing most of us do, for most of our lives, the collecting and storing things “for later”. For when things slow down and we can refocus our priorities and get ourselves in the life-alignment we always dream about.

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Liar, liar, pants on fire

Will my son say that his Dad put work before everything else?

Random bulletin board message
Random bulletin board message

Didn’t do anything I said I was going to do yesterday. Rather than Family time, got sucked up into getting caught up on a few work related things and one thing led to another… and another, and another… Now on another plane to another city to do work that matters. Alone. Again.

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Work life balance tip from 35k’ feet

Indigo Hotel Brooklyn 17th floor

Leaving Indigo Hotel Brooklyn at 5:45am this morning meant the only way to get today’s Mid Life Celebration’s five posts done was to do it on the plane. Have worked 29 years in Orlando and have never had weekends off. As soon as I get home, it’ll be time to switch to family mode. It’s Sunday. Haven’t seen them in five days.

Work life balance tip: Do whatever you need to do.

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Blogging as the sun comes up over the palm trees

going through the motions?

Going though the motions?

Whew, the fifth and final post this morning. Feeling the heat and glare from the low, burning sun as it is fully exposed above the palm trees. Here’s the thing. We wake up everyday, mostly oblivious to our current condition. What if we weren’t?

Insight: There is a high price to be paid for rearranging every single day to maximize work life balance. And an insidiously astronomical price if we don’t.

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The one overlooked goal for personal organization

The top row has all the social media I use each and every day. Easy access is key.

Midlife wellness

Everyday we see the piles, and the stuff we question why we still have it. And everyday we stall on throwing it out or donating it. Clutter is just that, clutter. It holds me us back.

What I’m thankful for is the one overlooked goal for personal organization. Which is not being perfectly organized, but to be very decently organized.

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