We always look forward to being more organized than last Summer.
But things always come up that we didn’t see coming.
This is why getting and staying organized as a year round effort makes so much sense.
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Disney Creativity and Innovation Keynote Speaker
One million+ people globally while at Disney Institute.
What can we do if we don’t have normal resources allowing us to streamline our daily routine?
We have normal, streamlined plan B backups. Right?
For two days, ridiculously slow personal website responsiveness. First day, thought it was the laptop, second day, thought it was the hotel wifi, the third day, I called GoDaddy.
Two hours later, a bright, sunny day, featuring high-speed internet.
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Home life fitness is tied to personal dissatisfaction.
Think about it.
The foggier the morning, the harder the commute.
The clearer the morning, the easier the commute.
Yes, some metaphors are profoundly simple.
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Editor’s note: The less well we are, the harder it is to travel. The more well we are, the easier the terrain.
We are not judging people when this happens, instead we wonder.
When people, or ourselves, live in disarray, the only real, clear question is, “Why don’t we live a more organized life.”
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Successful entrepreneurs keep saying the same thing. And the general consensus is there is no one way to become an entrepreneurial thriver. Good news, bad news.
Good because it frees us to do it our way. Bad because our way may not work.
Like suggesting what a quarterback should have done after we watch the replay on tv, until we’ve actually quarterbacked ourselves, we really have no right to criticize. And life goes on…
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This month I’m inviting the Mid Life Celebration community to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. It couldn’t be easier to go from this HQ blog to the mental attitude blog , just click -> go to Next Blog