The 2013 highlight reel?

Mid Life Celebration the book delivery
Nearly 35 years in the making


The 2013 highlight reel? Quick, top-of-mind review, not in any order:

  • Double hernia repair surgery (two weeks before Nationals)
  • Re-landscaped (after 20 years)
  • Parent of teenager
  • Pay off mortgage
  • Closer to Family than ever
  • Lifetime award at Disney
  • Book on Amazon & Kindle

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Distractions and society’s insidiously developed poor habits…

Short, compelling book description
Can you (did you) read the fine print on the last line?


One of the key learnings as we age is sorting through the essential insights for executing well on a daily basis.

With so many distractions and too few great examples, we unknowingly flounder through our days, oblivious that we are not making progress and that we are simply surviving.

Our goal is to thrive, and to be constantly conscious of our enemy – distractions and our insidiously developed poor habits.

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