Happy Birthday Donna Flanagin

Big news, it’s Donna’s birthday!


Hey Mid Life Celebration friends, Donna Flanagin has a very special birthday this weekend. Donna has been here since the very beginning – steady, encouraging, loyal, helpful, kind. Here are some special things I appreciate about Donna:

  • Donna is a fellow WordPress blogger.
  • Donna’s a successful small business entrepreneur.
  • She’s also a fellow Disney fan and advocate.
  • She passionately applies Disney best practices better than anyone I know.

But wait, there’s more, Donna gives back to her community freely:

  • Donna and her daughter’s are the Flanagin Fairies.
  • In Valparaiso, Indiana Donna puts her time where her values are.

There are two ways to live life – as if few things are a miracle, or as if everything is a miracle. Donna is a perfect example of the later. Happy birthday Donna.

I Am Brave

Brave enough for a book title like this? Hmmm....

I am brave, confronting my fears, mostly head on. Doing what I fear is the only way I’ve learned to defeat fear. Courage sometimes means taking a stand, and sometimes courage means doing nothing – it is often difficult to tell the difference.

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I Am Clean

World Class clean...it's part of my DNA.

I am clean. Striving daily to be morally uncontaminated, physically fit, organized, prioritized. Uncommon and a bit boring.

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I Am Reverent

We all have to decide what we believe in.

I am reverent. I have a deep and unwavering respect for our Creator, our Country, my Marriage, my Fatherly duties, and the unparalleled gifts of Faith, Hope and Love, as well as Mind, Body, Spirit, Career, and Home.

Next Blog


In case you haven’t already heard, congress is currently reviewing new bills that threaten the very fabric of the internet. The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) bill, and it’s sister bill, Protect IP Act (PIPA), are currently working their way through the United States Congress and the Senate. If these bills pass any copyright holder can simply allege a site infringes on their copyright and the site could be redirected at the DNS level and be cut off from all major ad services and payment processing services – all without any trial or due process of any kind. It’s scary stuff, but we won’t rehash the full issue here. Read this post, from the Electronic Frontier Foundation to learn more about this issue.