Day 6 St Mary, Triple Divide, home

USATF Olympic team captains
USATF 2024 Olympic Team Captains. Grant Holloway (110H) and Sydney McLaughlin Levrone (400H).

Someday feels creepy to me now.

No trust in someday.

Yes, and…

Wisdom teaches me that someday starts thinking about arriving after you start doing the daily, constant, relentless reps to learn, grow, improve, and teach. And not only starting, but mastering the daily, relentless part.

Someday, so glad you’ve shown up after seeing i’ve been serious all along.

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This website is about our HOME. This is the fifth of five daily, differently-themed blog posts about: (1) mind, (2) body, (3) spirit, (4) work, (5) home. To return to Mid Life Celebration, the site about MIND, click here.

By jeff noel

Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.