A little two-step action for emergencies?

Kindle screen shot
Kindle – the thing we need to do to get a fire started.


Step one: Remember to pull both three-ring binders off the closet shelf and place them near the desk.

Step two: Good luck finding time to look through them again without getting completely distracted from other priorities.

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Q. What are the things you would grab if your home caught on fire?

iWorld Apple reseller in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
The Cloud has automatic backup of important things, but paper, not so much.


Q. What are the things you would grab if your home caught on fire and you could only save what you could carry in one quick exit?

A. The iPhone is probably already in a pocket, so yelling for Family and pet to exit would be first. If there was any chance after ensuring their safety, it would be two three-ring binders full of wisdom collected since the teenage years.

Insight: An exercise like this is fun and as a bonus, a vulnerability was exposed. There is no backup for those 40+ years of paper treasure.

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Note: Back-up was kept at work up until 2.5 years ago when the opportunity to work from home was offered.


Dreaming stuff up and actually being organized enough to do it – well, you know

Lethbridge bridge
The journey is always off in the distance – many never leave the station.


Short and pithy posts weren’t part of the original April Fools Day vision. Sometime later, the notion of having a distinct way to describe the writing felt compelling.

However, dreaming stuff up and actually being organized enough to do it – well, you know.

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Lethbridge Bridge
Canada’s Largest bridge (any type) and the largest of it’s type in the world.


Geese in V formation
Geese still have some work to do on creating more equal sides


Lethbridge Bridge
Upper left, we combine Geese and bridge


Yes, fully aware the Mid Life Celebration’s five daily posts have been drifting to longer posts, but still below typical blogger average length… but still too long.

Today has been a day to organize thought, and writing, back to short and pithy.

Awareness. Commitment. Change.

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